Thursday, August 4, 2011

Prelude to a Weekend with Friends and the Beach

While packing the sunscreen, aftersun gel and bug spray....the wine in the cellar was calling....

I swiftly poured a glass thinking about what the weekend has in store while examining my bathing suits, studying the 5 extra pounds that rest not-so-nicely on my tummy, and praying no one will notice that on my small frame that it makes me look pregnant.

But I continued to sip on my Pinot Grigio, that every liquor store seems to have limit supply of these days.  Dreaming of Frisbee and football on the beach, sandy legs and asses...yeah we fall down a lot...good friends and wild stories... wondering how long it will take to repeat those same crazy stories this we have enough new dirt to share to make to night two.....doubt it....

Better finish packing....

On Writing

Write fast edit slowly...too bad I'm a horrible editor.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What is a Muse?

What is a muse?

The goddesses who inspire the creation of literature and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge, related orally for centuries in the ancient culture, that was contained in poetic lyrics and myths. The compliment to a real woman who inspires creative endeavor is a later idea. ( I don't particularly like cite wikipedia as a source....I did it for ease in this post....

Not looking for a woman, per se but anything that inspires the creation of literature (writing) or art (painting or photography).

I'm on a quest to find my muse or muses....what ever they may be.