Saturday, November 2, 2013

The 5K Set Back

The end of the summer I met my goal. I ran 5 kilometers. Running, however, isn't my exercise of choice. But a few pesky pounds needing to disappear, prompted  me to hit the pavement. Clearly something more needed to be done than the limited gym activities. It was over 4 years since I ran any distance of value. I got bit by a dog and lost my morning running partner to sleep. Finally, I decided to try again. And I was actually enjoying it.  I didn't fall victim to the so called "runners high" but rather enjoyed the meditative qualities.

I was proud I met my goal. It actually felt good to say I'm going to do something and achieve it. Of course, there's always something to bring you back down to pavement. Something happened to my left foot. The pain was intense. I wasn't able to walk without a high heel. Ice and stretching therapy became twice daily rituals.  My running partner also experienced this pain, hers on-going for almost a year. Plantar Faciitis. Ouch!   I don't think I could handle the pain for a year. Finally, it eased up. And I wondered would I be able to get back to 5 kilometers? And if I could, should I try for 10?

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